Upcoming events, thoughts
and special offers

Here you can find all future events, like yoga retreats, yoga classes and other group offers. You can also read small blog articles about topics and insights I would like to share with you. Have fun browsing!
“Being in love” workshop: Friedrichshain
On this Saturday we will recognize psychodynamic patterns. Old pain, sadness and depression are allowed to go. Let yourself be enchanted!
February 3, 2024 -
Female Healing Circle: 08 April 23
Frauenheilkreis Berlin – Come into your femininity. Connect with your feminine power and discover true self-love, vitality and creativity.
February 20, 2023 -
Work in peace and happiness
Through Systemic Coaching and Energy Healing I have found more happiness and satisfaction in my professional context. Develop your talents and live your true self. Try it out!
February 13, 2023 -
“In Liebe sein” Seminar in Berlin: 04.12.2022
An diesem Sonntag werden wir in den Fluß der universellen Liebe eintreten. Alter Schmerz, Traurigkeit und Depression dürfen gehen. Lass dich verzaubern!
October 12, 2022 -
Self-Love Workshop in Berlin: 18.09.2022
This Sunday we will enter the flow of universal love. Old pain, sadness and depression are allowed to go. Let yourself be enchanted!
August 19, 2022 -
Next Female Healing Workshop: May 28, 2022
Frauenheilkreis Berlin – Come into your femininity. Connect with your feminine power and discover true self-love, vitality and creativity.
April 11, 2022 -
Breath yourself free
Far too seldom do we take the time to appreciate everyday things and to consciously perceive ourselves. The breath helps us.
February 16, 2021 -
Healing Retreat: June 2021
We will relax, enjoy, laugh, practice yoga and harmonize our body, mind and soul for a weekend together. I’m happy for you!
December 9, 2020 -
Give yourself time – A self-experiment
This is an experiment in which I try not to be efficient, not to be the best and not to be the fastest for a month. Let’s see what happens. I can…
October 5, 2020 -
Yoga Healing – Group Course
Art is a wonderful way to experience spirituality. In special moments, when we lack the language or contact with other people seems too close and strange to us, art can be a way of expression. Art provides opportunities to get in touch with yourself in a very pure and honest way. It helps you to perceive yourself, to feel yourself, to open yourself and to let it flow out of you.
September 23, 2020