Next Female Healing Workshop: May 28, 2022

The strength of the woman is not her hardness, but her mobility!

Free-flowing, flowing feminine power cannot be stopped. It can be compared to a large, wide river that removes stones from its path so that it can flow freely. Once set in motion, it is unstoppable. This river is alive. Nothing can imprison him, nobody can tame him. This wild, rousing power resides within you.

It is your own inner flow of femininity that blesses you with strength and agility. 


Feminine energy is creativity!

Be creative in raising your children. Be creative in dealing with your partner. Be creative in meeting your friends. Live creativity fluently and freely! Discover your wild side and stand by it. For too long we have conformed, gone with the flow, or functioned. 

Now it’s time to wake up and grow! So be feminine, be free, be fluid, be wild, be gentle and be alive at the same time. This is true femininity. Own your spiritual connection to life and live it out your way.

Come let’s celebrate our femininity together, appreciate and honor it! 

My offer:

We will warm up, stretch and supple our body with yoga. Kundalini and Yin combine energetic, power-giving sequences with calm, relieving moments. In my workshop, each individual will be given space for her/his own personal concerns. Depending on the task, we take a systemic or energetic look at your problem. Within the group we will initiate healing processes, cleanse and strengthen your entire system and pay special attention to the female side of being. A special feature here is the joint dance.

In loving company, I will guide you to your true power, so that you can unfold your inherent potential. So syou give yourself a way in this world with more ease, strength and self-love. That’s exactly why I’m offering one on May 28, 2022 new healing circle  in Berlin. 

When: 05/28/2022 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m
Where:  yoga sky,  at Tempelhofer Berg 7d, 10965 Berlin
How much: 88€ (reduction 65€)
Languages: DE/EN
Registration to: +49 157 352 574 88 or by email to

I look forward to you all!  💕

Namaste ,  Maria