Systemic consulting or systemic coaching is the joint search for resources that help to realize one’s own wishes and goals. Both individuals and groups (e.g. couples, families, teams, organizations etc.) are included in this special type of counselling, whereby their respective social context, their social environment plays an important role. Systemic consulting is often also referred to as resource-oriented or process-oriented consulting. Different personality parts are considered that have a major effect on one’s own perception. Relationships, entanglements and patterns are thus made visible.

With neutrality to the goal
From the consultant’s point of view, the so-called systemic or phenomenological attitude is central. This can be summarized with five neutrality aspects:
- Relationship neutrality: Counselors behave neutrally in relation to the participating and absent members of the respective system (family, marriage, team, company, etc.). This means that they do not take sides for individual persons present or absent or for certain personality or role parts of the implicated.
- Problem neutrality : Counselors are neutral towards the behavior and problems described. They don’t evaluate them, but encourage problem descriptions that reveal the background, the function or the meaning of a problem.
- Construct neutrality: Counselors are neutral towards the explanations, justifications, opinions, perspectives, feelings, in short towards the constructions of those directly and indirectly involved. Each point of view is considered to be individually appropriate and, in principle, of equal value. The concept of neutrality is not intended to mean the absence of one’s own opinions and perspectives. The Counselors are allowed to have these, but they are considered equal to the different opinions and perspectives of the other Implied.
- Solution neutrality: Counselors behave neutrally towards the solution ideas of those directly and indirectly involved. After the further development of Bert Hellinger’s classic solution pictures, it is no longer necessary to create a clear, ordered solution picture. Rather, the solution is left to the person being advised to interpret for themselves.
- Change neutrality: Counselors behave neutrally towards change or stability tendencies in the counselee. If something changes, it changes, if not, then not. A decision that everything stays the same is also a possible and legitimate result of the consultation. The consultants also remain neutral with regard to the direction, extent and speed of changes.
Systemic consulting does not primarily aim to propose concrete solutions to problems. Rather, the solution should emerge from a self-reflection process on the part of the person being advised. Systemic coaching is therefore above all help for self-help through insight and understanding. It shows inner patterns, anchored behavior and the relationships and entanglements to the environment.
Systemic consulting with heart and mind
In accordance with the principles mentioned, I offer you my systemic, phenomenological advice, which is characterized by acceptance, empathy, impartiality and appreciation. In my opinion, everyone has the necessary skills and resources to develop their own solutions. It doesn’t matter what kind of problem it is. My job is to use constellations to help you visualize your inner images, inner beliefs that work in the subconscious.
A change of perspective helps you to take on different points of view and broaden your horizons. In this way you will be responsible and self-organized to your individual interpretations and solutions. It is important for me to keep an eye on your social network. Among other things, the family of origin with its respective rules, roles, language and interaction patterns has a great impact on people. It influences his self-perception and the way other people and their behavior affect him.
The systemic constellation – a particularly effective method
A systemic constellation can be an effective method of systemic counseling. The aim here is to relate individual people to each other as representatives of the respective positions in the room. Alternatively, a systemic constellation can also be done with the help of figures and symbols on a table. In this way, the network of relationships within an organization, a couple, a family or a team is visualized and viewed from the outside.
In this way, the counselee gains amazing clarity about the behavior and relationship patterns within the network, about the events, taboo topics, attitudes, perspectives and beliefs. His view is broadened and he receives new suggestions for upcoming development steps. I am happy to offer you a systemic constellation in individual or couple settings.